How to copy profiles in Windows 2008 R2 and Windows 7

In Windows 2008 R2 and Windows 7, Microsoft has disabled the Copy To.. button on the User Profiles screen.

This process has been used for years to create a custom default user profiles and now they go and break that with no real workaround.

They want people to move to Windows 2008 and Windows 7 but they keep doing things like this that keep companies away from deploying it.

They say they did this because there are issues with copying user profiles and instead want you to use the methods in the KB –;EN-US;959753

I have had a lot of questions on this of late so I decided to do some research to figure out a workaround. Thankfully someone else has already did the work and has come up with a good workaround.!2095EAC3772C41DB!2708.entry

Terminal Server/XenApp vs VDI

There is a lot of hype these days around VDI and it seems like every week there is some new VDI related product or company being announced. With all of these options available how is company ever to decide on which VDI solution to go with?

In my opinion you should first decide on whether or not you want to go with Terminal Services/XenApp or VDI. Both technologies offer the same advantages and feature sets but Terminal Services/XenApp has a much cheaper per user cost and is a proven solution that has been around for 12 years. VDI is cool, hip and is in all of the industry news but it is very young and still evolving.

In my opinion VDI is for special use cases and for applications that will not run in Terminal Services.

Brian Madden did a great session on this at VMworld Europe 2009.

Any company currently looking at VDI should watch this session and first decide if Terminal Services would work for them. If so you can save a lot of money in infrastructure costs by using Terminal Services/XenApp.